This Website contains information about MYAT, Inc. (MYAT) products and services, and MYAT reserves the right to change this information at any time without notice. This information, both in text and graphic form, is provided without cost for the convenience of our customers, prospective customers and website visitors. MYAT makes no commitment that any or all information given is current at all times. This information is provided with all of its faults "as is". As the Uniform Commercial Code requires that all disclaimers be in writing and be conspicuous, we point out that THIS INFORMATION IS SET FORTH AT THIS WEBISTE WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, AND NONINFRINGMENT. COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY AND SUITABILITY ARE ALSO NOT WARRANTIED. MYAT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN DAMAGES IN ANY MANNER OR FORM THAT MIGHT COME ABOUT THROUGH THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS WEBSITE. BY ACCESSING THIS INFORMATION YOU HAVE AGREED TO ITS USE UNDER THESE TERMS.

Information on this website is protected by applicable Federal, State and local laws including Copyright and Trademark laws. Unauthorized use of any information provided at this site may subject the user to criminal or civil sanctions. Our customers and potential customers have limited license to reproduce this information in the usual course of their business of designing transmission lines using MYAT sections and components. They are specifically not permitted to modify, change or retransmit the information without the specific written permission of MYAT. Users may not under any circumstances broadcast this information nor display it in any media nor use it in connection with any performance, or internal or public commercial use.

How to Use the Logo

  • When used in printed materials, the Logo may be used only once and shall only be used to make accurate references to MYAT, Inc., its products, and services. The Logo should be displayed where the most prominent reference to MYAT is made.
  • When used in printed materials, you may display only the file provided (EPS); EPS files used in printed materials may be resized. The required Logo minimum size in printed materials is 0.75 inches wide.

How Not to Use the Logo

  • The Logo may not be altered in any manner, including size, proportions, colors, elements, type, or in any other respect. You may not animate, morph, or otherwise distort its perspective or dimensional appearance.
  • The Logo may not be a predominant feature on your printed materials. This means (at minimum) that it must appear smaller than your company logo. It may not be displayed larger or more prominently than other company logos on printed materials.
  • The Logo must be separated from your company name and logo and any other company or product names and logos by the space of one logo width or one inch, whichever is greatest.
  • The Logo may not be combined with any other graphic or textural elements and may not be used as a design element of any other logo or trademark.

Where Not to Use the Logo

  • You may not use the Logo to imply any relationship with MYAT that is not true.
  • You may not use the Logo to imply that MYAT is endorsing or sponsoring your company, product, services or merchandise.
  • You may not use the Logo on any products, services, business cards, letterhead or merchandise of your company.
  • You may not use the Logo in any material that directly or indirectly disparages MYAT, Inc., its products or services or its partners, resellers, or other related companies or their products or services; or in any way infringe upon any MYAT, Inc. intellectual property.
  • You may not use the Logo on any web site or in printed materials that are in violation of any applicable laws or governmental regulations.

Review Process

  • MYAT reserves the right to review your use of the Logo at any time and you agree to make any modifications to your use of the Logo as MYAT may request

Feel Free to Contact Us Anytime:


•Phone: 201-684-0100

•Fax: 201-684-0104

ISO 9001:2015 Certified QMS


360 Franklin Turnpike

Mahwah, NJ 07430


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