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301 - 3 1/8" 50 ohm

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3 1/8" wall anchor plate, single line. Includes line clamp. One plate required for each side of wall. 3.25lbs.
3 1/8" vertical spring suspension hanger, single line, stainless steel. Includes line clamps and hardware. 9/16" mounting hole. 2.85lbs.
3 1/8" wall anchor plate, dual line. Includes line clamp. One plate required for each side of wall. 5.5lbs.
3 1/8" lateral brace for use at base of tower. Includes two line clamps. 2.31lbs.
3 1/8" 3 point suspension hanger, single line, stainless steel. Supports 10 ft of horizontal run. 5.8lbs.
3 1/8" 4 point suspension hanger, dual line, stainless steel. Supports 10 feet of horizantal run. 6.5lbs.
3 1/8" slip hanger, 7" stud mounted. 2.25lbs.
3 1/8" slip hanger, flange mounted for indoor use. Permits expansion. 2lbs.

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ISO 9001:2015 Certified QMS


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Mahwah, NJ 07430


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